(adapted from our friends at Sassie)
Learning Curve finds the best mystery shoppers through various channels. Most come recommended, others apply through our shopper application page on the website and some just come knocking on our door.
With the help of our super-efficient online reporting platform, Learning Curve is able to store and track information about our auditors to ensure our clients are getting the best of the best. And this is how we keep our standards up:
Shopper Ratings give our schedulers instant insight into each shoppers past performance and experience.
Shopper Citations record notable events in a shoppers career. Hero citations are issued for great performance, and Flake and Cancel citations for missed assignments (with the ability to affect shopper ratings). Our shopper database accumulates Quality, as well as Quantity.
Shop Disqualifications mean individual shoppers can become ineligible for a specific client or location. The wrong shopper will never be sent to the wrong store again.
Shopper Deactivation may occur when a poor performing shopper is deactivated in the system because there is a danger they might create a new shopper account. They’ll never get another shop, and they’ll never know why.
MSPA Certification – ‘Gold’ for Advanced and ‘Silver’ for Basic certification shows which shopper have successfully completed the Mystery Shopping Providers Association shopper certification program.
Email Verification ensures that shopper reliably get their emails from Learning Curve and that their email address is REAL!
Shopper Trapping scans every new shopper signup (looking for patterns of names, email addresses, IP address, etc.) and warns us if a bad shopper is trying to get back into the system.
And after all this, if you’re interested in becoming a Learning Curve Mystery Shopper, just fill in our application form.
We look forward to having you on board.
Keira Mackenzie-Smith