Put the E-Scanner on your business
The E-Scanner or Emotional Scanner or Audit measure a customer’s feelings about a brand, product or service. It’s often the personal interactions that bring the customer back.
“What? Feelings?! Subjective reviews?” I hear you say… isn’t that the domain of Trip Advisor and Open Rice?
With candid and genuine reporting, E-Scanner results provide an impartial, fresh look at your brand or service without the unfairness that often goes along with such popular internet review portals. Subjective questionnaires offer valuable information about how your standards translate into emotive experiences for your customers.
E-Scanner results are impressive as stand-alone reports or can cleverly synchronise with mystery shopping surveys to demonstrate the link between meeting company standards and personal customer feelings about those standards. Training needs are also identified in the process.
Learning Curve can customise E-Scanner surveys and reports for the needs of your business in your industry.
What do we measure?
First impressions, feelings of being welcome, staff communication and sincerity, value for money, staff rapport or connection, unique experiences, going the extra mile, brand expectation, or a wish to recommend to friends.
How do we measure?
We observe, listen, ask questions, challenge staff, seek requests and record interactions.
E-Scanner comments:
“When we came back to the hotel after a long day out, the doorman remembered and used our names. We felt very special.”
“Not having visited this store before, I had an expectation of a snobbish, superior department store. I found quite the opposite. The staff were incredibly friendly and helpful in a discreet and respectful way.”
“Dealing with the shop assistant was a frustrating ordeal. She was distracted, not listening and didn’t make us feel at all welcome. It felt like we were interrupting her day.”
“We had an extremely noisy table next to us at dinner. The waiter was extremely empathetic and offered to move us before we’d even mentioned anything. We guess he’d seen or sensed our irritation.”
Keira Mackenzie-Smith
Learning Curve & Snapshot Analytics measure feelings as a standard.
+852 2540 0050